
Danial Powers

Danial Powers is a mixed-media artist currently residing in the Seattle area with her husband, son, and two cats. She has been participating in mail art communities since 2001 creating and sharing Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) exploring a wide range of subjects and media. Presently, her practice includes mixed-media, mono-prints, and hand-carved blocks.

She has explored proportion and color, developing a whimsical style which captures the essence of the subject she brings to life on the page.

Published Works

  • Belly Love, back cover, Love Me, Love My Belly, Issue #001 Winter & Spring 2014, Porkbelly Press, Cincinnati, OH

  • Owl of Freedom, cover art, My Own Strange Beast, Melissa Atkinson Mercer; 2017, Porkbelly Press, Cincinnati, OH

  • Surreal Humanoids in Gardens: Art by Danial Powers, Kindle Direct Publishing, ISBN-10: 1726811379, ISBN-13: 978-1726811378, October 13, 2018

  • Surreal Humanoids: Portraits in Headdresses: Art by Danial Powers, Kindle Direct publishing, ISBN-10: 1726801632, ISBN-13: 978-1726801638, October 13, 2018

Classes and Workshops

  • Introduction to Watercolors, Lake Burien Physical Therapy, May 2018

  • Stamp Carving 101, Ben Franklin, Redmond WA October, 2016

  • Eraser Carving, DigiPen Institute of Technology, July 2014, August 2016
